1. Kohl's验厂廠規或員工手冊
Factory Regulation or Employee Handbook
2. 工商營業執照
Business Registration
3. 勞動合同
Labor Contract
4. 廠房平面圖
Factory Building Layout
5. Kohl's验厂工卡或考勤記錄 (過去十二個月)。如果是使用電子考勤,審核員可能需要在電腦直接審閱考勤記錄,審閱是會在工廠職員協助下進行。如果是使用手工考勤,員工需每月最少簽名一次以作確認。
Timecards or Attendance Records (Last 12 Months). If electronics time card is used, the auditor may need to review the time record directly from the computer, with the assistance from the factory staff. If manual attendance record is used, employees’ signature is required at least once a month for verification.
6. Kohl's验厂工資表 (過去十二個月)
Payroll Records (Last 12 months)
7. 當地勞動局關於延長加班之批文
Official Waiver for Overtime Extension
8. 勞務派遣工的考勤及工資表記錄,勞動合同,社會保險收據及合格證明,與勞務派遣單位簽訂的合同及勞務派遣單位的營業執照
Dispatched Workers’ Attendance & Payroll Records, Labor Contracts, Social Insurance Receipt & Certificates, Contract signed with Labor Agent and the Business License of Labor Agent
9. 人事花名冊及員工個人檔案
Roster and Personnel Records
10. 社會保險收據、花名冊及合格證明文件等
Receipt, Name List and Certificate of Social Insurance, etc.
11. 消防檢查報告或合格証明文件
Fire Safety Inspection or Certificate
12. 消防演習記錄、緊急疏散計劃及工傷記錄等
Fire Drill Record, Emergency Evacuation Plan1 Work Accident Records and Work-related Injury Record
13. 設備安全許可証/校準報告,如電梯、起重機械、鏟車、鍋爐及壓力容器(含氣瓶,壓力表及安全閥)等
Facilities Safety Operation Certificate/ Calibration Report such as Lift, Lifting Appliance, Forklift, Boiler and (Compressing Equipment including Gas Cylinders, Gauge and Safety Valve)。
14. 工人上崗証,如電梯工、起重機械操作工及鏟車司機等。危險化學品倉庫管理員証,電工証及焊接工等。
Operator Certificate such as Lift Operator, Lifting Appliance Operator and Forklift Driver, etc. License for Dangerous Chemical Warehouse Keeper, Electrician and Welder, etc.
15. 厨房衛生許可証及厨工健康証
Kitchen’s Hygiene Certificate and Cooks’ Health Certificate
16. 職業健康檢查紀錄及化學品安全訓練紀錄
Occupational Health Examination Records and Chemical Safety Training Records,
17. Kohl's验厂環保文件(如建設項目環評、環評批覆、建設項目竣工環境驗收報告及排放污染物申報登記表等)
Environmental Documents such as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report, EIA Approval, Acceptance Check of Environmental Protection of Construction Projects and Declaration Form of Pollutants Discharged, etc.
18. 危險廢物轉移聯單及危險廢物處置商的經營許可証
Dangerous Waste Disposal Duplicated Form and Business Permit of Dangerous Waste Collector
19. 政府有關當地最低工資規定文件
Local Minimum Wage Standard
20. 未成年工體檢及勞動局登記記錄
Young Workers’ Health Examination and Registration Records
21. Kohl's验厂其他文件(視乎審核情況所需)