问 What codes is Sedex based on?
答 Sedex stores information on ethical and responsible practices covered by ILO Conventions, ETI Base Code, SA8000, ISO14001 and industry specific codes of conduct. Sedex members can use the information on the system to evaluate suppliers against any of these codes or the labour standards provisions in individual corporate codes. Sedex itself does not specify a particular code or state that suppliers have ‘passed’ or ‘failed’
问 What happens if I don’t join Sedex?
答 If you have been requested to join Sedex by one of your customers it is likely that they see Sedex as an important part of their responsibility sourcing practices. It is becoming increasingly common that companies see Sedex membership as a condition of supply. You should see membership as something that can benefit not only your customers but also your own company. If you are unsure of how it can benefit you please contact us directly.
问 Sedex 上的信息是准确的吗?
答 The rules of Sedex require members to use their best endeavours to ensure that the data placed on Sedex is true. However, the system itself cannot verify data. This will be done by members and through third party audits.
问 I’m a supplier and I already provide self-assessment and audit information to my customers - what are the benefits of Sedex for me?
答 Sedex provides an efficient and cost effective way of communicating with your customers, by making one set of data available to multiple customers.